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Scotland - An Aunt Trip

Assalamualaikum and hello xD

Geng travel lol
So I prolonged my stay in the UK few days after Eid because I was thinking to join my cousin and her little family (well not so little now) for their UK trip. She was travelling from London to Lake District before going up to Scotland. I have zero knowledge about UK, including Scotland semestinya. Also, mama was like, "you have to go to Scotland for me! I like Scotland so much, please join on my behalf!" Jeng-jeng jatuh la permintaan ibunda yang pada masa itu berada di London bersama kawan-kawannya.

Scotland ni jauh ke utara United Kingdom, macam Perlis gitu lol. Aku pun research la apa benda nak buat kat Scotland tu, currency macam mana, weather macam mana, before join pergi Scotland tu. Alhamdulillah, the weather was fine during my trip, it was sunny but too much sunshine got me no eyes lol - I brought along my cap so that I won't be closing my eyes when taking pictures! (there's The Tip!)

Yeah, on 22nd June, I decided to join the bandwagon, catching up by train from Coventry to Edinburgh before a train exchange bound to Perth (read: Peeirth). Why Perth? I thought it would be easier to meet my cousin near to her AirBnB stay in Leven, (Fife) but there was no train station there. So, the nearest station would be Kirkcaldy, 30-mins drive from Leven. 

22-24 June, Leven, Fife. 

Enam jam aku dalam train, duduk sebelah abang ni tapi aku dah tak ingat dia turun mana. Aku memang takdak nasib dengan seat train...aku dapat opposite seat, mengundur la aku selama enam jam tu weh. Pening, letih, nak muntah pun ada gak, aku punya motion sickness merapu sikit. /Naik bas pi uni pun aku boleh nak muntah bila sampai rumah lol/ Bila sampai Kirkcaldy tu, aku nak ke toilet tapi sampai ke sudah aku tak jumpa toilet. Sedih yangmat, ditambah dengan cousin aku salah stesen lol. Sejam aku duduk kat tangga sambil exchange glances dengan doggies yang lalu-lalang kat situ. /Doggies je yang mesra alam, nak tengok aku lol./

Bila cousin aku mai, si Khawlah (Olah) ni mula teriak dalam kereta  - dia tak biasa dengan aku so dia rasa aku mai nak ambik dia lol. Then, bila Olah start nangis, si Zayd pun join menangis. Zayd would cry before he fall asleep, hence when he's groggy..... yeap. Tetiba aku pun teringat, adakah aku masa kecik dulu kerja melalak time nak tidur...? /Update: mama cakap tak - tutup lampu je semua tidur/ 

Leven tu sebenarnya tepi pantai, /yassss laut lagi yassss/ and aku dah lama tak jumpa pantai. Padahal aku bukan jenis pergi pantai pun, cuma aku rindu angin cemtu. Taman tepi pantai ha gitu class Leven, that AirBnb house pun cantik dan comel, fefeeling little cottage je. Then rumah tu depannya ada golf club. Rupanya British golf memang banyak start dari kawasan ni especially St Andrews. Dah sampai rumah tu letih and everyone sangat penat, especially my cousin's husband, Bang Man sebab dia la yang drive from Lake District ke Edinburgh, 231.6km, plus minus /dah macam Alor Setar-KL je/.

our stay in Leven

23rd June  - St Andrews, Glasgow, Edinburgh.

Harapnya faham la maps from Google ni

singgah jangan tak singgah
Subuh was around 4am, but I heard my nieces & nephews are already awake around 3am /actually 2am/. They slept in GMT+8 and woke up because they were already hungry, but I slept at 11pm, not knowing they are awake just like for Sahur. I ate nasi impit for breakfast (ye la mood raya kot) before going out exploring, we took some pictures around the golf club before going to St Andrews. St Andrews was pretty but everything wasn't open yet, so we just walked around the golf club. I know a friend who is studying in St Andrews but I don't know whether she's around that time. St Andrews is famous for their university because Prince William studied here with Duchess Kate and apart from that, St Andrews is famous for being the "Home of Golf". Ha, main golf tu start sini kat sini la. 

Martyr's Monument, St Andrews.
Dah semua sejuk dengan angin laut tu, maka semua bergerak ke Glasgow. Sampai je Glasgow, we don't really have an idea nak buat apa except cari Masjid Glasgow. Tapi sebelum tu, sempat la aku ajak cousin aku singgah Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum. Mestilah nak singgah art gallery or museum kalau dah sampai situ kan. Bila dah jumpa Glasgow Central Mosque tu, singgah solat and makan tengah hari sebelum nak gerak ke Edinburgh pulak. Tapi bila aku dok google lagi, sempat ja kalau kami singgah city especially George Square ambil gambar kat situ /hahahah/ Building kat Scotland memang cantik-cantik, macam kat Penang kawasan pulau sana. Lagi la aku homesick nak balik even aku bukannya selalu pi pulau.
guys, seluar aku tinggi sebelah
kat depan tu ada indian dance show

replika Queen Victoria
Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum, the front view

Facial Emotion (?) katanya

Glasgow Central Mosque

George's Square
North Frederick Street, Glasgow

Tengok la Zayd posing tu hahahahahaha
Bila dah sampai Edinburgh, tempat yang kami nak cari pun masih masjid kat Edinburgh tapi susahnya nak cari parking untuk SUV kami ni. Tapi kat Edinburgh ni terus nak pi castle, yes Edinburgh got one castle but it's still in construction. Aku tak tahu la kenapa construction tu dijalankan tapi kami dapat jenjalan kat street depan castle tu ja. Dapatlah beli souvenir satu dua untuk diri sendiri dan yang tersayang /cewah tersayang apanya duit pun kelaut/ 

Edinburgh Old Town
sebenarnya aku taktahu burung tu real ke tak

Edinburgh Castle from bottom, tak terdaya nak naik ke puncak lol
Pastu aku teringat, cerita Ayat-Ayat Cinta 2 kan shooting kat Scotland, Edinburgh pulak tu. So aku pun cakap kat cousin aku, jomlah kita pi cari tempat shooting tu. Not the University la of course, sebab aku taktau nak keloi sapa kat uni tu /hehe/. Tempat tu namanya Calton Hill, ada banyak monuments kat situ and you kinda have opportunity to see Edinburgh from the hill. Edinburgh ni kan famous dengan Arthur's Seat, so boleh la nampak dari Calton Hill tu. Overview Edinburgh pun boleh nampak from that hill. Tapi dah namanya hill, aku pun mengah jugak la panjat tangganya. Tapi aku kan seorang makngah berwibawa, haruslah aku naik dengan sekeping foto di Calton Hill. Senibina pun mix dengan Acropolis Athenian ha gitu namanya tapi dulu orang Scotland panggil tempat ni Edinburgh's Shame sebab tak siap lol. Calton Hill ni betul-betul tengah bandar Edinburgh, so orang boleh naik Calton Hill ni and take a break from the city's hustle.

Dugald Steward Monument and the view from Calton Hill, overseeing Edinburgh City
Nelson's Monument
National Monument

From Calton Hill, overseeing Arthur's Seat
Monuments at Calton Hill
Dah habis ronda Edinburgh terus shoot balik Leven. Esok katanya nak jalan jauh!

Part 2

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